Thoughts from the October 17th Meeting
The AMP shows all of the hangars in Sites J and K going away but there should be enough space to keep some of them and build two large hangars for maintenance shops. My understanding from discussion with staff and from the meeting is that the airport has no interest in keeping or owning the hangars. I don’t have leases for either site but the leases for Sites P/Q/T are probably similar to the expired leases of J and K and they put the burden of moving/removing the hangars on the hangar owners.

Objective: Build two hangars for maintenance on Sites J and K at minimal cost
I did some measurements on Sites J and K and one option would be to build two hangars in the space behind Al’s shop. There is room for two 60x80 or 60x60 buildings. Keep 6 hangars in the long building Larry Cooper owns. Eight hangars that Cheryl Baker owns can remain intact, two can be shortened slightly, and two need to be shortened a lot. The three portable hangars on the far west can remain. Cost for each new hangar would be in the $300-400k range.
Site Layout
I took a laser level along the back of Al’s hangar and marked where it hit the hangars. The Building Restriction Line is not all the way to the edge of his building so I’m off by a couple of feet. My measurement of 187' from Al's building to the edge of the roadway is consistent with the 178' measurement on the AMP so I’m in the ballpark. The black line is the Building Restriction Line if they allow four entrances to Taxiway A or allow extending the apron past the building line. The pink line would move the buildings back 30' to allow for a 60' wide taxi lane.
Building Cost
Two new buildings with a width of 60' would allow 30' between the building and the taxi line. I am getting two estimates for the cost of a 120' slab or a 180' one but for now assume $14 per square foot for and it would be $100,000 for 60x120. A metal building manufacturer just sold a 50x50 insulated building for $50,000. Going off Jacobs estimate for West Side hangars the overhead, assembly, electrical, sprinklers, etc. would probably be somewhere in the neighborhood of $200K each. So $300k minimum for each building but probably more. There are lots of online estimators that are in the same ballpark. John Madonna got a quote for $400k recently.
Ground Lease
If we keep some of the portable hangars and lop off the ends of the permanent hangars it will keep each hangar’s share of the ground lease lower. I haven’t been inside Cheryl Baker’s hangars but Larry Cooper’s hangars appear to be in good shape and he should be able to remove the infringing hangars and move the outer wall to the new boundary. Site T has 37,505 square feet currently at $.47 per square foot. (That number will go up with a CPI adjustment in 2025.) The new Site J/K is 123k Sq ft including the area outside Cuesta’s hangar so $58k per year. Roughly 25% of that would be for the new hangars or $600 per month each.
Moving Portable Hangars
The three hangars behind Al’s shop will fit into the ends of the existing Site T hangars. The others would have to be moved to the row in front of the existing hangars or in the tiedown row by the fuel pumps. I don’t have a copy of the lease for Site J but I assume it’s like the one for Site T and the owners are responsible for the costs of relocation or removal.